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Artifacts 3a 3b 3c & 3d

Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.


These are a series of multimedia tutorials I created to teach digital painting and animation. Each video meets ISTE standard 3.


3 a.  This digital paininting demonstrates my fluency in technology systems and ability to transfer current knowledge to new technologies and situations. 


Digital painting is a new medium used in the creation of artistic expression. 



Model digital age work and learning

This image is an example of a digital painting I created using a free open source tool called Krita.

3 b, 3 c and 3d are a series of multimedia tutorials I created to teach digital painting and animation. Each video meets ISTE standard 3. The tutiorials work to collaborate with students, peers and parents and communicate releveant information regarding digital painting assignments. In these videos, I model and facilitate the effective use of current digital tools. 



This is a cartooning program I used to help students create cartoon characters. This can be used to create a story board or exported to be using in information design. 


click on the image below to view tutorial

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