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Multimedia Interactive Resources

Getting Started


This video will show you all of the tools and materials you will need to begin the block printing process. Katie will explain the different types of paper you can use and the difference between oil based ink and water based ink. She also demonstrates the different carving block choices.


 Tools and materials include: 

  • brayer

  • baren 

  • bench hook

  • paper

  • ink 

  • linoleum

  • carving tools

Interactive Games


FACES AND PLACES is a two-part interactive activity inspired by the National Gallery’s extensive collection of American naive artists, a gift to the nation from Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch. Elements from more than 100 paintings have been included in these presentations. Using these two programs, young artists can create portraits, landscapes, or genre scenes of daily life. click one of the images on the left to play.



FACES encourages children to create and personalize portraits by changing the facial characteristics of various sitters. Easy-to-use interactive tools allow users to modify the expressions and hairstyles of the subjects or to add decorative elements to a stylized domestic interior.





PLACES is a panoramic landscape activity that introduces children to the fundamentals of landscape and genre painting while offering a glimpse of life in rural America from the late 18th through the mid-19th century. Music and surprising animations enliven the scene, as children experiment with perspective, composition, color, and scale.

Slide Show from Slideshare


This slideshow can be used to teach students how block printing is used as an applied art on fabric. It is also illustrates the historical art of block printing as traditionally done in the middle east. The slides have beautiful works of art done by accomplished craftsman. 

Printmaking Demonstration:

Four Color Reduction Linocut 


This video is an tutorial on the set up, carving, inking and printing of an unmounted 4x4 inch block of linoleum to make a four color reduction linocut relief print. (You should have a little printmaking experience before you tackle this. If you're new to relief print, have a look at another video on basic set up for carving and printing a linocut 

Preparing and Carving your Block


Artist Keith Moreau shows how to prepare your design, transfer the image to the block, and carve the image with lino cutter tools.

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